Brindi was very good this weekend. She ran well for me Saturday in Jumpers and did really well in Standard, up until she had to do the teeter. She's not for sure about the new teeter. Sunday was a different story for her. She started off with a great Jumpers run. She was a victim of tunnel suck though, it got her twice in a row. After that though she ran a great course. Her Standard run was absolutely AWESOME!! She did the teeter (still with hesitation) and did great throughout the rest of the course. Well, until her handler did something weird right at the broad jump. So she ended up having to take the broad jump again, this time correctly. (Poor dog, shame about her handler :)). And after all was said and done she had earned a 2nd place and her 1st ever AKC Q!!!! We took 2nd to John & Monet (who also got their first AKC Q!)
Check her out, doesn't she look very proud of herself? What a girl!!
This first pic is of Brindi, Judge Rob, and me.
This second pic is of Brindi in our back yard.
It was a lot of fun this weekend!!!
Um, well except the heat!!!