I've really let this blog thing go. I'm going to try and keep up with it from here on out.
Let's see. This weekend we were entered in our local club's NADAC trial. Brindi and Darby ran this weekend. Cosmo is experiencing stress while practicing agility and shows major stress at trials so she is on hiatus from agility. We are working with having fun!!
This was Darby's first NADAC trial and she did GREAT. She and Brindi ran in Touch and Go on Saturday, and ran Touch and Go, Regular Agility Round 1 and Round 2, and Tunnelers on Sunday. Brindi did pretty AWESOME too this weekend. :)
Darby won 3rd place in Touch and Go Saturday!! Then on Sunday she won another 3rd place in Touch and Go, a 4th place in Round 1 of Regular, and a 3rd place in Round 2 of Regular. She had a nice Tunnelers run, but we (I) are too slow. :)
So all in all Darby did a great job this weekend. No qualifying scores, but I'm sure she'll get them next time :)
Brindi did GREAT this weekend and is showing more confidence in her agility ability every run. She is doing great at working away and taking the obstacles in front of her and if I could get over watching her and start running we might get some Q's :)
I really enjoy watching Brindi run, she amazes me. I end up watching her and then I get lost. So sad about Brindi's handler :) She did have some interesting things happen during her runs this weekend, that I'm not sure we could train for. In her Round 1 Regular agility run the first 3 obstacles were hoop, weaves, jump. As Brindi was weaving, the bar on the next jump fell. It kind of spooked her a little (me too), but I looked back at the judge and he waved me on. So as we were heading for the jump, the barsetter decided he should fix the bar. So we're heading for the jump and the barsetter is heading for the jump. Brindi got super excited about this guy coming towards her. Usually(mostly) the barsetters wait until the dog is past the obstacle before they head out on the course. So Brindi is jumping up and is super excited about meeting this person. I look back at the judge and he tells me that I can try again. So we waited until the end of her height class and gave it another go. She did a lot better this time.
We had yet another interesting experience in tunnelers. This trial is held at a 4-H pole barn, with a dirt floor. Typically there are mice and birds in the building. So, as Brindi is heading for the 3rd tunnel a mouse took off running from the tunnel and headed off the course. What could Brindi do? She went after it! I was able to call her off and we finished the course, but did not place or Q. Still, I am very proud of Brindi. She is so much fun to run with!!
Saturday my sister, Amanda, and my niece, Alix came to hang out with me and watch the show. It was very nice to spend time with them. Alix really enjoyed watching all the dogs run and she is pretty sure that she could do it too. I hope to get her running agility as she grows up :)