Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The cats are lovin' life. It's kind of odd to see Alley and Evie out and about but it is nice. They were afraid to come out of the bedroom while we were at my Mom and Dad's house. It's weird, because most of the dogs at Mom and Dad's were mine, so I can't figure out why they hid. Oh well, it's nice to see them out in the house.
Little Miss Alix came over Friday night to help unpack. Her Mom and Dad came too. Thanks to Brandon for hooking up all my stereo/dvd/tv/cable stuff! You rock! And thanks to both of them for bringing Beautiful Alix to visit. She can come over ANY time!
Tonight is a knit night and I am really hoping that the Evansville Knitters will be able to save all my work on Little Miss' sweater. I am afraid of having to start that thing again:(
That's all for now!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
No Knitting after 9 pm

Too cute, right? :P
Speaking of cute. I have to put some pictures of the girls up. Here is a picture of "Super Sadie".
And, here Brindi and Cosmo show off after a "Spa Day". Brindi was really upset about the bows in her ears. They just don't fit her. Cosmo, on the other hand, is totally lovin' the attention the bows attract.
Ok, so Brindi is humiliated. Sorry. Here is a better picture of her.

And here is a picture of Darby and her frisbee. Her most prized possession in the world.

Still trying to get all the painting done before I move in on Thursday. It is going to be close. Hopefully I will make it!
Monday, April 21, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008
New House
Thursday, April 17, 2008
So all my knitting friends and agility friends have blogs so I thought I would give it a shot. My blog will hopefully be mostly about my crafty projects. Knitting, crocheting, and quilting. And I am hoping that some of my blogs will be about agility trials with my pups. There will also be lots of pictures of my dogs and cats too. I have 4 dogs and 3 cats. My life is a zoo, but it is fun and I like it! And there is bound to be tons of pictures of my niece, Alix. She is a beautiful baby and I have taken on the task of spoiling her rotten :)
Cast of Characters:
My Niece
- Alix is my only niece. She was born December 20, 2007 and was the best Christmas gift EVER! Alix is a sweetheart. She is 4 months old and has our entire family wrapped around her pinky.
The Dogs
- Sadie is almost 6 years old and is my #1 pup. She is a chocolate lab and is a sweetie.
- Brindi will be 4 this year and is a pup I adopted from Great Lakes Border Collie Rescue. She is a gorgeous red and white bc.
- Cosmo will be 3 soon and is a black and white bc I adopted from Indy Animal Control.
- Then there is Darby. Today is Darby's 2nd birthday. She is an Australian Cattle Dog I adopted from rescue.

All of the dogs play frisbee. Darby and Sadie are the Queen B's when it comes to the "B". Brindi and Cosmo are the agility dogs of the pack. And since we are getting ready to settle down, I hope to get back into training with them.
- Alley will soon be 3 years old and is a long haired cat. She reminds of a Maine Coon. She was adopted from an Indy Rescue group.
- Fitz is a 2 year old cat that resembles a gray tabby of some sort. Also a rescue from Indy Animal Control.
- Evie will be 2 this fall and is a calico cat. She is also a rescue from Indy Animal Control. Fitz and Evie were adopted the same day.

My Crafty Projects
- My main project right now is a sweater for my niece, Alix. I am working on a sweater called "Tasia's Cardigan". I am using Cascade 220 Superwash in Pumpkin. It is a wonderful shade of orange. I am having some difficulties with the pattern. I have ripped it out 3 times and have finally just ripped it all out and started it over completely. Luckily, I have a knit mentor who has shown great patience in helping me learn.
- Another project I am working on is a felted bag. I have knitted the bag and am now working on the i-cord for the handle. I love this pattern it is so easy and fun!!
- I have recently purchased a kit to make a "Minkee" quilt for Alix. I will hopefully be able to start on this soon. I have been holding off until I close on my house.
So there are my projects.
My BIGGEST project right now is closing on my house. It has been a rough road, but my realtor assures me that everything is in order. I am closing TODAY!!!! Send me reassuring thoughts. I really do need them. :)
As you can probably tell, I am into "Rescue" animals. I volunteer for Great Lakes Border Collie Rescue and enjoy helping them out in my free time.