From the name of my blog you can probably guess that I have dogs and cats. I have 4 dogs, 3 cats, and a turtle. They are my family, they are who I take care of, and I enjoy my life. The dogs are usually more entertainment than the cats. However, I have a cat, Fitz, who must think he's a dog. He comes running to me when I call his name. He is sociable and cuddly. Alley and Evie would never stoop so low.
Here is a picture of Fitz and Gracie,one of our buds from Indy.

Ok. So I have been doing the dogs dinner times different lately. 3 out of 4 of my dogs are overweight, and the 4th dog is on different food than the others. I feed them twice a day and they are very eager to eat when its time. I have also been making them sit by their stands and wait for me to fill their bowls. I gather the bowls and measure out their kibble and they are to sit and stay. I try to mix it up so that sometimes Cosmo (special food dog) gets fed first and sometimes Darby gets fed first. I am trying to teach Darby to have an energetic response when I say "ok" (for her agility training). So I put her kibble in her stand and tell her to "wait". For some reason this causes Sadie and Cosmo (on the other side of the kitchen) to scramble (on linoleum) over to see what she's "waiting" for. This causes me to yell at them to get back, sit and stay! After that I return to Darby who is waiting (with drool falling out of her mouth) and tell her "OK". This causes Sadie and Cosmo to lose their minds once again. I tell them to get back, sit down, and stay. All the while Brindi is being good and staying at her station. I feed her, then move to Cosmo, and then Sadie. Well the other night Sadie was having some problems understanding me and she kept breaking her stay. So I kept sending her back, telling her to stay, etc. I even walked her back to her spot and reminded her what I was asking her to do, when all of a sudden Fitz jumps up on Sadie's back and bites the back of her neck. He's like "Would you listen to her so she will shut up!". I have never seen anything like this before. Sadie is my lab and is so submissive she bows to puppies. She just laid down when Fitz did this. It was weird.
Anyhow, we are still working on keeping Cosmo and Sadie in their spots at dinner time. Maybe with Fitz's help they'll learn soon.
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