9/15/09 marks 4 years since Jay passed away. Our dog Taylor passed away that same day too. What a rough day.
I think this will be the first time that I haven't planned something for the day. Last year I took the day off work and took Alix to the zoo. If anything has helped me deal with grieving for Jay it's been Alix. She's so much fun and so sweet. This past Friday she spent the night at my house. All evening she went around the house looking at pictures. She would reach out for them and I would bring them closer to her. She liked the pictures of Jay alot. He would have been so proud to be her Uncle.
9/22/09 would have been our 14th Wedding Anniversary. Who knows where we would have gone for our annual trip. He always planned great anniversary trips. We went to Estes Park, CO for our honeymoon, drove by the hotel where they filmed "The Shining". Next year is was Mesa Verde, after that Vail. Then when we moved to California we went to Redwoods National Park and Monterrey Bay. AWESOME trips. I'm so happy we did all that we did. I have lots of photo albums of all the places we went.
So tomorrow 9/15/09 will be another rough day for me. I miss my best friend and my dear sweet husband Jay Alan Davis. And our faithful dog Taylor. And our cat Thomas.
I am lucky to have my AWESOME family of pets and my human family. And I have a lot of great friends who know that I have lost the love of my life and are still there for me. It's hard to be a widow at any age, but it's really hard to find someone in a similar circumstance when you're 35.
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