I entered Darby in Novice Standard Preferred and Novice Jumpers with Weaves Preferred. Her standard jump height is 20 inches, but she is not really happy about jumping 20 inches yet. I started her out in the Preferred classes for her first trials and then moved her to her full height. But she hasn't really developed a true LOVE for agility so I moved her back to jumping 16 inches. She is REALLY happy about jumping 16 inches. :) So, anyways she had already earned 2 legs towards her Novice Agility Preferred Title and 2 legs towards her Novice Jumpers Preferred Title. All she needed was 1 Q in each class to earn her Novice titles.
...AND she earned BOTH of them on Friday!!!! She ROCKED!! She got a 2nd place Q in Standard and a 2nd place Q in JWW!! Her first baby qq's!!
Here she is with both of the judges from the weekend. :)

I moved Darby up to the Open classes for Sunday and she had really good runs, but I messed her up. (Bad Handler). Sometimes the nerves get to me and I just mess up. I am the weakest link of both of my teams. But I'm trying to be better!
Brindi and I had some promising runs, but no qualifying scores. One thing about running with Brindi is she shows me something positive everytime (almost). I feel like we are making vast improvements in our team building. And she's a lot of fun to watch!! Which is probably why we don't Q very often. I get all caught up watching her and forget that I should be moving to the next obstacle, or at the very least try not to get lost!
Overall it was a VERY AWESOME weekend for us!! And I had a lot of fun hanging out with my agility friends and meeting some new ones too!
Darby looks like she's trying to give the ribbon holder a kiss! Congrats to the girlz!
Yep, Darby has a hard time holding her licker :)
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