The girlz and I had a nice holiday. My niece had her 3rd birthday on 12/20/10. She's growing up way too fast in my opinion. She's so entertaining! Alix really enjoys opening up presents and was a very good helper elf at our family Christmas.
So, back to agility. Brindi, Darby, and I attended the Gateway Agility Club trial on November 26th and 27th. We had a lot of fun! Both of the girlz are now in the Open classes and it is proving to be interesting to run them both as they are usually near each other in the line up. The Open class at this trial was pretty small. Brindi jumps 20 inch preferred and Darby jumps 16 inch preferred. So this weekend I had to run back to the crate after running one of them and then grab the other one and run to the ring. Somehow it all worked out though :) Well, sort of...
On Friday our first class was Jumpers with Weaves (JWW). I ran Brindi first and she was a wild and crazy girl! She ran around the ring like she was crazed! So, chalk that one up to nerves. Next up was Darby. She seemed to be doing ok, I was not handling her very well and she let me know about it by crapping in the weave poles. Yep, IN THE WEAVE POLES! And we were disqualified :(
Luckily our Standard courses went better. Although nobody Q'd. They both ran a lot better.
Saturday we started of with JWW again, but both girlz made dramatic improvements from the previous day :) Still, no Q's but all of us had a lot of fun.
Next up was the Standard course. Brindi was up first and she did AWESOME, well, until the teeter. She has not completed the teeter at a trial in months! I don't know what to do about it. She really does not like our club's teeter, but no other club has one like it, so she must be generalizing that all teeters are evil. I don't know. I know that I need to take her on a teeter tour of all our friends with teeters and get her more accustomed to different teeters, but I haven't been able to do that yet. Other than the teeter, Brindi did GREAT!!
Darby was up next. I almost messed Darby up right at the beginning of the course, but she pulled it off and did GREAT! She ran like a demon and hit every contact and cleared every jump!! She came in 14 seconds under course time!! Woo hoo DARBY!! And she got her 1st Q in Open with a 1st place finish!! AWESOME!!
We had lots of fun in St. Louis. They are a great group of people and put on a fun trial!! And I had a holiday picture taken of 3 of the girlz. Unfortunately Sadie had to stay with Grandma and Grandpa for this trial, so she's not in the picture. Although I did have another holiday picture made with all the girlz. Enjoy them both!!

1 comment:
They are just too cute!!!
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