I can't believe how hot it has been here this last week. UGH! I pretty much do whatever I can to stay out of the sun. I barely leave the house until it is dusk. It's been horrible.
I still haven't got Darby's pool out, but since it's been so hot she hasn't gotten to play frisbee either. Have I mentioned that it is HOT!
I am more of a cold weather type person. I hate the heat. Ok, I'll try to let that go and move on.
What are some things I have done to keep cool? Well I have finished Alix's sweater. Ok, so I still have to sew on the buttons, but really does that count? I am almost done with a matching hat for her sweater. I need to get some double pointed needles to finish it though. UGH. I have an unrational fear of dpns. I have also started working on her minkee quilt too. Busy, busy. :)
I don't care much for working with the minkee fabric. It is very linty and messy to cut. It also is difficult to sew. But, the finished product is very, very soft. Oh, well I have 2 rows sewn together and only 5 left to go. It's only a kids quilt so it should go fast, just need to get it done.
Brindi and I are doing pretty good in our agility class. She is doing AWESOME, I am doing ok. I really enjoy practicing agility. Now, if only my foot would heal up already. I suffer from plantar fasciitis, and it SUCKS!
All the other kidz are doing well.