Monday September 15th was the third anniversary of Jay's passing. I also lost Taylor (our Aussie pup) the same day. I had special plans for the day. Alix and I were going to go to the zoo and then we were going to go to the mall. I have not been to the zoo since I was very young. I can honestly say I didn't like the zoo when I was a kid. It seemed cruel to have the animals pinned up like they did then. I still have a hard time with zoos. Even with all of their attempts at making the zoo a more natural setting for the animals it doesn't seem right to me. So, anywho. It was the first time for Alix to see the zoo and my first time in a long time to visit the local zoo. I must say that they have made some vast changes since I was there last. Still not a big fan, but that's just me.
We had a nice day and Alix did notice some of the crazy monkeys at the zoo. I would guess that her faves were the Francois Langur monkeys and the Cottontop Tamarins. They were all wrestling and generally having a good time. My fave was the baby langur monkey. TOOO CUTE!!!
We stopped and sat at a bench on a way out, where Alix had a bottle. A peacock showed some interest and was trying to see if we had anything to offer. Nope, sorry. But it got close enough to keep me on my toes. Birds (any kind) make me nervous and scare me. Irrational fear of birds is right up on the top of my list!
After the zoo, Alix was pretty much done for the day. I got her back into her car seat and we then drove to the mall. Out of the car seat and into the stroller and she barely woke up. She slept through my shopping experience. I haven't been to the mall here since I was a senior in high school. I always hated malls! So, I went in looking for some Birkenstocks, found them, bought them, and we were out. Back in her car seat we headed to my house.
She loves dogs. Of course. :) And my dogs love her. So we spent a little bit of time visiting with the dogs and then she got back in her car seat and I took her home.
We had a very nice day. And a lot of firsts for this Aunt. I had never driven her anywhere. I had to borrow the Alix-mobile, but it was nice. I've not driven a jeep before and my sister has a nice one. Then I had to learn about putting her in the car seat, removing the car seat, and then had to learn how to manuever the stroller. :) It was a day full of new stuff and we both survived :)
Our day together started around 10 am and ended around 5 pm. Whew! What a day. But it was GREAT to spend the time with Alix and see some animals.
Alix also got a new stuffed monkey toy and a zoo t-shirt. Lucky chick. Brindi tried to steal her monkey, but I made sure that Alix got her toy back. It's kind of an honest mistake really. Brindi has a toy monkey, named Tug and they look kind of similar. Alix's is grey, while Brindi's is brown.

After I took Alix home, I had to run home and get Darby ready for her agility class. I had just enough time to get a water bucket and some treats and we were off. Luckily we live only a few minutes from where our agility class is held. Darby had a great time and is picking up the agility stuff pretty quick. It was just her second class and she is doing pretty AWESOME. :) In my opinion anyway :)
So, I had been non-stop going since about 7 am when I got up until about 8:30 pm. Had to get some chores done around the house and stuff before I went to bed.

Thanks to Ike (without power Sunday until 10:30 pm) I had some quiet time on Sunday to remember Jay and our life together. He was my best friend and I miss him so much it hurts. I still feel him with me. Whenever I need a sign he provides one. It seems like his rosebush will bloom right when I miss him the most. I am thankful for that. I am very lucky to have done so much with him. We have numerous photo albums of places we went and things we've done. It's great to have those to look back on. I am sure that he is with Thomas and Taylor and they are having a great time at the Rainbow Bridge.

I miss you Jay,
Love Always,